But I least I figured it out in time!

Sooo, even after all that swatching I did, I realized as I was sitting down to start in on the pattern for the Rebecca sweater that I had done ALL of my wrong side rows BACKWARDS! Duh! *smacks head*. So instead of having twisted stitches neatly stacked on top of each other (K tbl on RS, P tbl on WS), they were offset because I wrote the WS stitch pattern out backwards, forgetting that knitting goes back and forth, NOT the same direction every time. HELLO MARIEKE!

I am SO glad I figured it out because even though the pattern still would have worked and not really looked all that bad, it looks a LOT better. (I’d take a comparison picture and upload it, but I don’t have time to do that…maybe later)

Oh, and once the light clicked on for that, I got one full repeat of the motif pattern done all the way across and I think I only made one mistake that I couldn’t fix! (or didn’t notice in time) Yippee!

I am so excited about knit group tonight! For one, I get to show off the beginnings of my first sweater and make every laugh at my silly mistakes, and best of all, we have a new gal coming who sounds delightful! I love Knit Group so!