I didn’t realize it had been so long since I posted till Tracy asked me what was up with the lack of posting. Oops.

I am SO tired of having so much to do. And being out of town two weekends in a row means all the stuff I normally do on the weekends has gotten smooshed into the rest of the week (mainly Monday night since Tues is Choir, Wed is Sociology, Thurs is Knit Group, and Friday is Date Night). So yeah. I’ve even been distracted at work since I’ve got so much on my mind (“Oh! Must print off this form for [insert school-related, scholarship-related, or bill/finance-related thing here]” “Got to call so and so for [insert school-related, scholarship-related, or bill/finance-related thing here]” “Must send email to [insert school-related, scholarship-related, or bill/finance-related person or entity here] ). You get the point.

On top of all that, I am behind in my homework (hello Sociology schoolbooks! Long time no see! Hello Work Experience paperwork! Nice to meet you!). Did I mention I have a sociology test next week? And a deadline Monday night for a bunch of Work Experience paperwork?

Can you tell I’m a little overwhelmed and overworked? Trying to work on scholarship stuff in between all this is really challenging too (ie: not really happening). But I NEED them! There should be a scholarship that just asks for your name, contact info and whether you are going from working fulltime, to being in school fulltime and then give you tons of money. That would be awesome. Instead, it’s like another fulltime job! And of course it all has to be done during the time I’m in school too.

So, due to all this, not much knitting has been happening. The only thing I’ve been working on is a 3×4.25″ cell phone case (my design). I started it last Saturday in San Diego and finished the body last knit at knit group. Now I just need to figure out how I want to do a pocket (for my bluetooth earpiece) and how I want to do the closure. For now, it is just a cell phone “sock”. At least it’s a little something!

(Oh yes, and it’d be nice if my co-worker would stop talking to me today. I am melancholic today and I really DON’T want to hear about random stuff right now….)